Растения зангартопи задание. Воззвание к героям: Зангартопь!

Детский сад № 4 "Золотая рыбка"

город Карпинск Свердловской области


Неприятности на Озере Тенетопь. Растения зангартопи задание

Принеси мне клумбу! - Задание


Комментарий от enasima

This quest requires friendly with Sporeggar to obtain, however the Sanguine Hibiscus can be picked up without having the quest in Underbog.

Комментарий от Doragon

Monty Python FTW!!!

Комментарий от Uraii


Комментарий от Bovinedeath

to be purchsed from "Roger the Shrubber" Monty Python and the Holy Grail FTW

Комментарий от Pourno

The Sanguine Hibiscus' can be picked up off the ground or looted from some of the mobs.

Комментарий от murakaz

The Sanguine Hibiscus can also be traded and sold to others, so you don't actually have to do the Underbog to complete this and the following quest.

Комментарий от crimsonhellgr

also trackable with dwarfs racial

Комментарий от slickdoody

Solo'able as a druid or rogue. May take a death or two though...

Комментарий от Kytti

It's actually Monty Python and the Holy grail. Great movie.

Many quotes from the movie can be found from


Also...We are now the Knights Who Say... Ekke-ekke-ekke-ekke-ptang-zoo-boing

Комментарий от cece

The total Sanguine Hibiscus needed is as follows to go from Friendly to Exalted with Sporeggar:

Friendly->Honored: 6,000 RepHonored->Revered: 12,000 RepRevered->Exalted: 21,000

Total Rep Needed: 39,000

- - -

39000 (Rep Needed) / 750 (Rep Awarded) = 52 (Quest Turn-In)52 (Quest Turn-In) x 5 (Sanguine Hibiscus) = 260 Total (Sanguine Hibiscus)

Simply put, you need 260 Sanguine Hibiscus to go from Friendly to Exalted.* 240 Sanguine Hibiscus For Humans due to Diplomacy.

Honored->Exalted: 220 Sanguine HibiscusRevered->Exalted: 140 Sanguine Hibiscus- - -

Bring Me A Shrubbery! (Initial Turn-in rewards 11,000 exp + 750 Rep)Bring Me Another Shrubbery! (Repeatable for 750 Rep)

Комментарий от Rickah

I just handed in the quest at lvl 70 and I didn't get the 13g 20s compensation instead I only got 6g 60s.And ofcourse the 750 rep.

A 2.3 change perhaps? :o


Комментарий от Nevore

Easily soloable as a Hunter.

Enter instance, double trap the first two sporebats, collect plant, leave instance.

Rinse and repeat.

Комментарий от morgil

Soloable yes, but not nearly so easy as killing some Grater Spore Bats for Fertile Spores.

Комментарий от Abrade

To the people thinking about skipping this quest for some reason or other:This netted me 22000xp at lv63 merely for handing in the sanguine hibiscus picked up by other chars. Ofc, also available at ah.It's worth the trip.

Oh and as a ps: Luckily the next step isn't cutting down the mightiest tree in the woods with.....a Herring!!For us python geeks.

Комментарий от blckA

It seems to respawn even when not resetting the instance.I have been doing a few stealth runs today and couldn't help but getting killed some times.When I got back into the instance after a corpse run (without resetting)... BEHOLD, a few nodes had respawned.Could be interesting for those who farm to fast and get over the 5 instance-an-hour-limit :)

Комментарий от Zaning

they actually now say icky icky icky icky k-bang lu boing bgehrgbheg...and so on

Комментарий от Dannyt

monty python lol

Комментарий от Pixelgirl

Any suggestions on how to get a hibiscus? My quest helper is forever telling me that I need to get a hibiscus by looting a nightcrawler. ? It says this every time I'm near a vendor who sells nightcrawlers. I don't get it.

Комментарий от Pajbulle

Bring me... a shrubbery!


I love these references.

Комментарий от Moshpitt

"We want a shrubbery!"(dramtic tone plays.)

Комментарий от Putuk



Комментарий от Kevie

we are the knights who say... Ni

Комментарий от Stonekeep666

ARTHUR: O Knights of Ni, you are just and fair, and we will return with a shrubbery.HEAD KNIGHT: One that looks nice.ARTHUR: Of course.HEAD KNIGHT: And not too expensive.ARTHUR: Yes.

Комментарий от krisin

The Ango'rosh Ogre's/Shamans do not appear to drop this item, despite quest helper suggesting they do

Комментарий от Eodred

quest helper says I need to loot Netherweave cloth from them for the Quest... don't always rely on it :)

Комментарий от MisterAmusing

.. Now if only there was a followup to chop down the mightiest tree in the forest with a herring, my life would be complete.

Комментарий от joshua10

too bad there's no follow-up quest to chop down the mightiest mushroom in Zangarmarsh with a Zangarian Sporefish...

Комментарий от OrangeSummer

Completion does not count towards the Mysteries of the Marsh achievement.

Комментарий от Simore

It is a good Shrubbery.

Комментарий от staan

I LOL'd so hard when i read the quest name, that i woke up my parents. xD Never fail to amuse me blizz... GZ :)Ow and guess what quest goes after this one...

"Bring me another Shrubbery!"

... No its not "Cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with a Herring!" :P

Комментарий от Aratiti

The follow up quest should be:

"Bring me a mighty tree"Cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with a herring

Комментарий от Pontificate

What word? Ni?

Комментарий от Kryger

This is my favorite reference to ANYTHING, well the ''Silence of the lambs'' reference in Dune Maul is pretty bad*** aswell :)

First, you get ''Bring me a shrubbery'' which King Arthur is asked in Monty Python and the holy grail as stated above.It is repeatable, and this is also a reference to the same sketch. In the sketch, king arthur manages to obtain a shrubbery, and returns to the Knights of NI. He is then asked to bring ANOTHER SHRUBBERY and is challenged to cut down the mightiest tree in the forrest, wiiiiith.... A HERRING!

Комментарий от Kaliopae

I completed this today and it didn't count towards Mysteries of the Marsh.

Комментарий от mikfox

At least they don't make us cut down the mightiest tree in a forest with a herring!

Комментарий от Chasme

i just hit friendly and am not offered this quest.

Комментарий от gralx

Quest became available when I hit friendly, not sure what happened to the poster above.

Комментарий от VerveMan

Contrary to wowhead's post, this quest IS available to be picked up from an NPC that is inside the beginning of the dungeon on the right.

Комментарий от Solanales

Wowheads' information is wrong. The quest is available from T'shu inside The Underbog instance. It is a repeat quest, and with guild perks grants 825 reputation for each turn in.

Комментарий от codyks001

Worth mentioning, Underbog now rewards Sporeggar rep for killing trash and bosses. Really easy to grind.

Комментарий от Zanno

Whoever edited and said this quest has been removed is wrong. I've completed it several times today feb 26 2012 while gringing cenerion expedition/sporeggar rep

Комментарий от meds

Is available from Underbog. My heart sank, I just spent just over 2k buying over 100 of Sanguine Hibiscus from AH and found no where in Sporeggar to hand them in. Came here and read 'This quest was marked obsolete by Blizzard and cannot be obtained or completed' But ya, to confirm, available in Underbog :)

Комментарий от TomCat1116

This quest is in fact no longer available. A different quest with the same name, but different quest ID # and location, replaced it. Wowhead's information is absolutely correct. See: Принеси мне клумбу! Принеси мне еще одну клумбу!

Комментарий от twinkinginfo4u

This quest has moved to the dngn found in coil fang.


Неприятности на Озере Тенетопь - Задание

Краткая информация


Комментарий от enasima

Just run to the southwestern portion of Umbrafen Lake(near the junction to Nagrand). No fighting required, free gold and xp :D.

Комментарий от Wlkus

Finished at 70, 68

Комментарий от moptop

72, 29 at the big water pump looking thing.

Комментарий от Bigggy

Go to 70,81 AND Go into the water. You'll see pipes going into the water, Hope this helps :)

Комментарий от doah

confirmed coords 70,81 just look for big water pump.

Комментарий от cerbeos

Just did it at 70. Just flew over the coords (high above the lake) and it was completed.

Комментарий от ant9821

You don't have to actually go in the water. I didn't. just stand at 70,81 and that should do it.

Комментарий от Stiverton

In the southern part of the lake there is a giant pump machine (71,80), just get close to it to complete the quest.

Комментарий от pkhor

i had got confused where to look at first cuz it says conjuction near nagrand and its accually the south east part of Zangermarsh

Комментарий от Khharma

I was in the water at 72,79 and it was completed

Комментарий от Kataya

No fighting required? There are tons of mobs everywhere.

Комментарий от Arrace

just go to the machine south western portion of the lake.

Комментарий от Hinahina

You don't even have to actually go on the island, just go near the other side of the bank from that island from where the road is.

Комментарий от koseq

It's the large machine near the shore, with the pipes sticking in and out of the water.

Комментарий от Acht

Anyone at Blizzard a "LIVE" fan "Disturbance at Otter Creek".

Комментарий от kersje

je moet gewoon heen en weer zwemmen of lopen of vliegen! zo makkenlijk

Комментарий от Sarahptor

I flew near the pump machine at 71,80. No need to land, fight, or be in water.

Комментарий от Handlebar605

at 70.75, 80.18 is a machine, that you can land on.

I did this as lvl 66 DK

Комментарий от GitGudGuides

Disturbance at Umbrafen Lake http://youtu.be/S_eNLrwXZvE

Комментарий от Boxofbeer

Disturbance at Umbrafen Lake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STw0sC9FNXs

Комментарий от WoWQHelps

HD Video Tutorial for this quest : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ff9Qag2SDTw

Комментарий от WoWGnGP

I made i playthrough of this quest if anyone wish to see how to do it :)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FerxMwykxyI&feature=youtu.be

Комментарий от Aurleis1

Video Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jreus8Uw67o

1. Неприятности на Озере Тенетопь• Accept the quest, Неприятности на Озере Тенетопь, from Исиэль Песнь Ветра at coords 78.4, 62.0 (Cenarion Refuge).• Travel southwest to coords 71.4, 79.8 (you may need to move outside of this area if you haven't received credit for completion of quest).• Travel northeast to coords 78.4, 62.0.• Turn in the quest to Исиэль Песнь Ветра.

Выясните причину убывания воды в Озере Тенетопь. Затем вернитесь к Исиэли Песни Ветра в Кенарийский оплот в Зангартопи.


Исследуйте Озеро Тенетопь.


Мы явились в Запределье, рассчитывая найти здесь крохотные островки сохранившейся жизни. Но в Зангартопи мы обнаружили обширную, процветающую экосистему!

Однако наши первые радужные впечатления оказались обманчивыми. Уровень воды в озерах и болотах непрерывно понижается все то время, что мы делаем замеры!

Для местных животных и растений это может обернуться катастрофой. Отправляйся на Озеро Тенетопь к юго-западу отсюда и попробуй отыскать причину убывания воды.

За этим стоят наги! Но зачем им это? Судя по тому, что ты описываешь, этот паровой насос может быть причиной того, почему уровень воды в болоте падает!

Это объясняет то, отчего они относятся к нам столь враждебно... Что ж, не будем тратить времени. Я попрошу тебя выполнить для нас еще одно задание.


Вы получите: 7 40


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Воззвание к героям: Зангартопь! - Задание

Краткая информация
Поговорите с Исиэлью Песнью Ветра в Кенарийском оплоте в Зангартопи.


Главные представители Круга Кенария в Запределье – это Кенарийская экспедиция. Изначально она возникла как небольшой отряд, напрямую контролируемый Кругом Кенария. Но со временем экспедиция сделалась мощной, практически независимой организацией.

Глава экспедиции, Исиэль Песнь Ветра, просила нас направлять добровольцев на ее базу. Она находится в Кенарийском оплоте на востоке Зангартопи. Ступай по главной дороге, ведущей на запад, и она выведет тебя, куда нужно.

Добро пожаловать в Кенарийский оплот, Смородкин! Надеюсь, ты здесь затем, чтобы помогать нам в работе? У нас тут дел по горло!


Вы получите: 74


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  1. Он устанавливает и обновляет аддон Wowhead Looter, который собирает данные, пока вы играете!  

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